Friday, February 4, 2011

Prejudice. And not the good kind.

I try not to be prejudice but I really think it is impossible for people not to be prejudice to some degree in one way or another. I’ve written before about experiencing prejudice here. But I want to confess that I have been feeling and feeding prejudices lately. I know it is unfair but I find myself justifying my animosity towards an entire people group because of the actions of a select few.

Let me start by acknowledging that as a Christian I find it humiliating and frustrating that some make assumptions about me, my faith, and God because of the action of a select few. So I know my feelings aren’t fair but they are hard to resist.
I remember when I taught Social Studies in the States sometimes my students would say ignorant things about other religions or cultures we were studying. It literally made my heart burn with anger when my uninformed kids would say something retarded about Islam or the Middle East. (I know I am going to be ‘politically uncorrect’ but I don’t care.) I liked to hear my kid’s opinions and thoughts but not when they were retarded. And I have no qualms in telling my students that they are stupid and uneducated if they vocalized their racist teachings about other religions/cultures/people. Some of my kids thought all Muslims and the entire Middle East wanted to blow them up. It is unfair to make assumptions about an entire religion because of the action of a small, small percentage. But that is what I’ve been doing.

Since I’ve been in Korea I have had many interactions with a specific religious group. Before coming to Korea I had no exposure at all with this sect and knew nothing of their doctrine, theology… anything. Because of my multiple unpleasant experiences with a small percentage this group, I have developed a knee-jerk reaction of animosity towards all of them. I have so many negative experiences that immediately feel contempt and defensive when I learn people are part of this faction. I am finding myself deliberately closing myself off from any potential good/healthy relationships with a member of this group. I know it is wrong but it is hard not to do.

This has been educational though. Parts of me are glad I feel this way because it helps me to be more sensitive to those who feel the same mistrust, fear, and resentment towards my faith.

This really is a confession. I wish I didn’t feel this way towards these people. However, I also wish I hadn’t experienced so many dreadful interactions with these people. I know that I will be weary of any person whom I met in the future that claims this faith though. And that is unfortunate.

In .love.