Sunday, March 20, 2011

I am a freak

Sometimes I realizes that I am a bit odd. And honestly, I embrace that. I spent too many years of my life not liking how I am, wanting to be different. I honestly thought God had made a mistake while creating me… (I am very self-righteous/absorbed). And even if God did leave me in the oven a little too long, I am fine with that.
Anyway, I say this because multiple people, at separate times, from my work have said I remind them of Sheldon from Big Bang Theory. I like Sheldon’s character but I don’t think they were complimenting me. Like I said, I know I can be a little odd at times but… ‘Pfth!’ Who cares?!? The other day on the way home from work one of the guys randomly suggested we go an Indian restaurant that we often patronize. And even though I really like this place I felt anxious and resistant to agree to go. I had no plans for dinner but my mind did not want to commit to something so spontaneous. If they had suggested it to me in the morning I think I could have come around. But isn’t that crazy? Why do I respond like that?

Then today I was making cinnamon sugar toast. And I always do everything in the same order. I feel like I have to put the cinnamon on first then the sugar. I know it probably doesn’t affect the taste but I feel that the cinnamon is a good base while the sugar should remain the sparkly treat that crowns the piece of bread. BUT today I pulled an old switch-a-roo. And sadly, it was difficult to put the sugar on first. Why?!? Why is it when I make PBJs I have to cut one sandwich diagonally and the other vertical? Or why cut them at all? I really do think they taste better cut and they are more adventurous to eat when cut in different directions. But why?

And by the way, I burnt two pieces of my sugar first toast this morning. So lesson learned.


  1. Justin, we all have our little idiosyncrasies. That's what makes us, "US". You my be odd, but odd is "JUSTIN". I make my cinnamon toast the same way. I theorize however that sprinkling the cinnamon directly on the hot butter releases the flavor of the cinnamon. I wouldn't dare put the sugar on first!!! I sweep my kitchen the exact same way EVERY time, starting in the upper right corner.

  2. I always insist on uploading pictures from my camera the moment I get home. I used to have only a 256 MB card, and now that I have an 8G, I still treat it like 256 MB. I find checking things off lists is such a joy for me. I LOVE making lists of things to do.
    I totally agree with Brandy here- butter + cinnamon. Have you ever melted butter from a margarine tub, mixed in cinnamon and poured it back in? Thats really nice.
    Keep rockin, broseph!

  3. I think I always put the cinnamon first, too.
