Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Physically I am very lucky…

… that phrase slipped from my mouth yesterday. I meant to say that I was lucky to rarely get sick or even feel poorly. Then yesterday I had an unusual headache and pretty much hated the world. To make things worse, we had kindergartner kids at school. I didn’t know this before but I hate Korean kindergarteners. They are extreme. Not even human. I know my school accepted them because they bring in money but I am completely incapable of and anti the teaching little demons. There was one point where I wanted to pick this one little boy up and throw him against the wall. And what sucks is that of us understand the other. They don’t realize what I am saying. I am not a big fan of math and this is one example why:

318 Korean Kindergarteners + a distracting headache = HELL.

So yesterday was just exhausting.

When I got home I was listening to a sermon called ‘Biblical Manhood’ by Matt Carter (of Austin Stone Community Church, Austin, Texas). The Spirit really convicted me. I remember being back in Texas and worshiping/learning at Austin Stone and I saw how my relationship with God had direction. It felt like I was ‘on the journey of life’ towards God and with God. But last night, God showed me how I am not moving in any direction. And worst, I feel like a Lego-man missing his torso. My feet can walk and I may be moving but I am empty. I hadn’t really seen how hollow I had been until last night. I need to be in the Word more intentionally. I feel like God is a close friend that I’ve kind of lost touch with.

So last night was enlightening.

In .love.


1 comment:

  1. You don't know me, but I stumbled upon your blog and I attend the Stone.

    I'm praying for you today.
