Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Today on my way home from work I was looking out over the ocean and my name appeared, almost glistening on top of the water. So I started thinking about my name. I actually don't like my name, never have. It seems like I've hear it my whole life...
"Justin" -How lame and uneventful is that?

But so much of my identity, who I am, is exemplified in that name. In a word. Why is that combination of six letters so significant to me?

One of the first things we do with kids here is give them English names. I actually still feel uneasy with the whole process. I feel like subconsciously I am telling the kids that they aren't good enough using their Korean names. Or that English names are more superior. I also see the practicality of the English names. I mean, they are learning English and it is part of the 'full-immersion' idea. And selfishly, I can't distinguish, much-less pronounce, Korean names. We even started teaching the staff at my school and we asked that they make English names. Thankfully most kids (and adults) are excited to create a new alias.

And you can learn so much about a kid by their choice of name. Usually the most interesting kid's have the most unique names. What do you expect when a prepubescent boy chooses the name 'Monkey.' I've also known a Supermarket, Orange, Bread, People, Ah, Superman, and Madonna (it was a HE that chose that name). It is usually boys who are brave enough to venture into the specialized names. But I've had a Mazinga, Princess, Lucifer, Baby-Jo, and my personal favorite, GaGamell.

I've played with the idea of assuming a Korean alter-ego but I think it is too early for me to commit to a new name.
Contemplating a new name forced me to defend my existing one. 'Justin' has no 'Pop' or 'Bazinga' to it but it is the name my mother unfortunately decided to go with. Though I share the name with thousands of other unlucky guys, it is still mine. It is part of me.
God gives us our past. And our past is part of our testimony. I think our testimony is a beautiful example of God's creativity and grace. If my testimony were a gift to God (which it will be one day). I feel like that gift has to have a "To-From" tag.
My testimony, will be from Justin.

In .love.

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