Tuesday, January 25, 2011


This isn't interesting to anyone but me but I was explaining to a Korean friend how Americans write their names. [First: Justin - Middle: Wayne - Last: Powers]
Our conversation segued into how ladies change their last name after marriage... then how people in the glorious South sometimes call friends/family by their first and middle names [ie. 'Wanda Ann' --> Wan-Dan or 'Howard Lee' --> Hard-ly] ...then he asked me about nick names. Koreans have nick names too but he was surprised at the number of nicknames I have. (And people call me a lot of things but I am just talking about legitimate nicknames...)

My name: Justin Wayne Powers
My sister calls me: 'Brother' or 'Uncle' depending on the context of her conversation.
My mom creatively calls me 'Son' or 'Jessi' (when she forgets my name).
Christopher Travis Brown calls me 'JuWayne.'
All my coaches from Middle School and High School call me 'MoJo.'
My uncle and some of my sister's friends from Fredericksburg call me 'badboy.'
Ashley 'Big Gums' Schrader calls me 'Harry Potter' because she said I looked like him in HS.
Nicole 'Bonita' Bryla called me 'Mochila' because that was one of my first Spanish words I learned and I was so proud that I repeated it over-and-over.
Girls from my grade mostly called me 'Justin Wayne' or 'Wayne.'
REBA calls me 'My reason for living' and 'Fancy's fancy.'
Camp Names:
Seeking Ram (Tejas 'Chief' name)
Beef of Weak Strength (Beef name)
Pool Daddy McEntire (Order of the Warball name)

And here in Korea I've adopted the the Korean name 'JunPyo' but that was a name I assigned to myself so that doesn't count.
When I travel and need an alias I use the name 'Cordell McEntire.' Cordell from Walker: Texas Ranger and McEntire... well, for obvious reasons.

A lot of times people mistake my name to be 'Jason' but that isn't a nick name rather a result of my mumbling and forgettable personality.
Onetime I worked with this old German who thought my name was 'Oscar' and I never corrected him. So for a summer I was an Oscar.

In .love.

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