Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Finally, positivity!

Finally positive blog!
I am in my fifth week here and I feel like I am going non-stop. We are in our ‘summer program,’ which for the past four weeks is what we’ve been scrambling to put together. I was nervous because I felt ill prepared and everybody was streesin’ and on-edge. But Monday came and my kids are amazing! They are so sweet. I seriously want to adopt them. I could not ask for a better group of kids. I have a couple of 11 year olds and some 14 year olds. It is interesting to see the different level of maturity all in the same class. I also have an awesome co-teacher, Joy Teacher. She is seven months pregnant and literally the quintessential image of a gracious, steady woman. And she is so cute being all seven months pregnant and Asian. Anyway, her class is a lot of fun too (but not as cool as mine…). We are doing a class drama and Joy Teacher and I chose ‘Sleeping Beauty.’ I honestly don’t remember ever seeing the movie but I thought our script was a little lame so I talked Joy into turning it into a comedy. We have a fat 14 year-old-guy playing the beautiful Princess. It is amazing how cooperative the kids are here. And the kids are so respectful. It is embarrassing how rude and insolent the majority of kids in the States are, even the ‘good’ kids. This week has been exhausting but rewarding. I’ve been told that one month in is when it is hard to be abroad but I am finally feeling affirmed in my decision to come here.
Also the kids here are so sweet and cute. I want at least… two Asian kids when I am older. I think adoption is a beautiful testament of love and humanity. Too bad I foresee being poor the rest of my life. I also think it would be cool to raise your family in different countries around the world. But maybe not cool for the kids, I know how bad it sucks having to move.
Also, two weekends ago I actually had a weekend off and I got to go to Busan with some people I work with. It is on the southern coast of Korea. It was such a cool city. I had a great time and it was refreshing just to get away. We were eating /drinking one night and since I wasn’t drinking that was the topic of conversation for a while. And one of the guys accusingly asked me, “You don’t drink, you don’t smoke, what do you like to do?”
And so I’ve been thinking of things that I truly love to do. Here are a select few:
1. Lying down with Miss and Baby. Just taking maps with or watching TV with my Miss against my leg mages me physically feel love in my heart.
2. Being at camp. God truly has a presence at my camp. As I drive through the gate, I can feel my body loosen up. I feel a supernatural peace absorb my worries and stresses.
3. Praying with Evan. I don’t’ know why but it focuses me and I feel more sincere.
4. Driving around with Jason at camp. We could be driving to build a camp fire, screw in a light bulb that a girl counselor couldn’t figure out, or going into town to get a Route 44 sweet-tea from Sonic during happy hour. Jason makes me feel more useful and when we are driving around, even if we aren’t going anywhere, I feel like I have a purpose.
5. REBA concerts. I am not being silly, REBA concerts give me so much encouragement. Back home, I felt like I worked and just gave-and-gave of myself with little in return. I would put so much of myself into my work and the kids would just piss on it. But when my REBA goes to work, her performance brings joy and temporal deliverance to thousands of people. That is her job, to make people love her!
6. I also love watching the black guy sing at Austin Stone. Sometimes watching him interfered with my worship because I would be enamored with his amazing voice and passion.
I am sure there are other things I like to do but those are what I thought of now…
In .love.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot--hang out with your cool SS group from Hardin. WTF Justin?

    I am glad that you are starting to feel comfortable in your new surrounding. I think you will end up loving it before you leave.

    I received your email about how you think I need to adopt some Asian kids. Do they have Asian cats? Just joking.

    I sure miss you and am sad school will be starting in two 1/2 weeks and you will not be there.

    Take care. Until next time.
