Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Go with the flow

Today in my US History class I had the class divided into three groups. One group was representatives from the colonial South and another from the North while the third group was the news media assigned to interview them.
When the North was asked about mistreatment of the Native population and the social ramifications of slavery the representative, at a loss, defended their position by saying, "... yes those are bad but... we just go with the flow."

At least they were more honest than modern political representatives.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Not what I expected. But not a surprise.

For more context of this story, you should first read: 
Closing a Chapter or Book?
A Book
I want to Remove His Veil

[I wrote the first part of this post on Thursday of this week after calling Byeontae. I did not post it because he had agreed to meet and, if perchance he read it, I thought he might bail on the meeting.] 

Why do I allow myself to be repeatedly pulled into an emotional whirlwind by the same student?
My Pyungtae troubles are rearing their head again. I promised I would call him when I got back from Thailand and I pathetically followed that with, "And I hope you will agree to meet me." On the third attempt he answered with, "Who is this?" (Obviously he had deleted my number and only answered because he didn't know who it was). -Maybe he was hoping it was some elementary aged girl on their summer break... Emoji 

The Lord is putting me through the ringer with this guy. Before the semester ended I met with him and got to share the Gospel with him. I've wrestled for months why I care about this kid at all. I did a synopsis of our relationship and his character. The concluding list reads:
sheep in wolves clothing
not worth it
no honor
terrible reputation
a whitewashed tomb

...all qualities I do not want to be associated with. If I could view him as a 'project' I would be able compartmentalize more easily and graciously. I wish I viewed him as such and if I could choose, I wouldn't care about him at all. I would just leave him, and all the trash associated with him, at ATA. I've begrudgedly come to admit that he is not a guy that merits my loyalty or half the effort I've put forth. Yet I care deeply for him. Not just broadly as one of God's lost creations but the Lord has placed a powerful, unfamiliar burden on my heart for him. I am 'drawn to him'. On a human level, he has few qualities that garner a desire for a personal relationship. I've realized that is part of the reason why I cannot give up. I want to show him what a real, mutual relationship looks like. I sense that the majority of his relationships have all been selfishly motivated or obligatory. I see, in that regard, he is trapped. I too was without true friendship, intimate brotherhood until I was 19. A life lived without fellowship is no life at all. 
Another reason I cannot 'cut my losses' is because I want nothing more than for him to know the freeing, life giving, purpose providing experience of a relationship with Jesus includes. I know all non-believers are wanted by God and in need of Jesus' sacrifice. My heart pangs with a desire for Pyungtae to know the salvation and fulfillment only submission to the Gospel brings. Part of me wishes I felt this same engulfing passion for all unbelievers but the truth is that I don't and I couldn't. It would be too painful and exhausting.
It would be like Elva in the Eragon series that is cursed to shield others from their pain and suffering. I see, talk with, think of Pyungtae and am burdened with the longing for him to be a brother. I've come to realize that is a gift from God. Though honestly, I have a hard time viewing it as a 'gift'. It would be easier to just superficially 'love' him, my other students, and friends and just live my life. But NaYoung (a sister that went on the mission trip with me) revealed that God is using me to intercede for him. I find great peace and purpose in that revelation.
Pastor Joel, Jp, Natasha, NaYoung, Elizabeth, HA, Sonya

Before the semester ended I some-what manipulated him into meeting with me. I gave him a deadline to meet and if he met that deadline, I would give him his Final Test Review. Naturally, he disregarded the deadline and I wasn't going to give him the review but I saw an opportunity for ransom. I told him I would give the review to him if he agreed to met with me. In truth, I felt really uncomfortable doing that but it was a bluff. Before I made that his only option, I already committed to myself to give him the review either way. Thankfully, he submitted to the meeting. 
The meeting started off terribly awkward. I kept trying to make small-talk but he was not receptive. I even confessed he was making it difficult to talk to him. But we started working on a project and started conversing more naturally. My entire motivation for coordinating a meeting was to share the Gospel with him. Retrospectively, I did a terrible job. If I had been on his end, I would have doubted that I really knew the Gospel. 
I remember asking him what he thought his purpose in life was and he said, "Finish school. Go to a good college. Get a good job." I told him my purpose was to: "Love God. Love others. And tell them about Jesus. ...And that's what I want to do now." :) -It was awkward for both of us. 
He knew the story of Jesus but didn't know the real reason for Jesus' sacrifice. I asked him how he would define 'sin'. And he said when people do anything against "people's moral standard." I expressed, that sin was anything against God's standard. He claims to be an atheist (if anything). I like that he is at least relatively thoughtful about religion/faith. At one point I asked him why religion is so important to so many people and he said, "I think you will be offended but..."
I wish I hadn't, but I interrupted him and said, "To be be honest, I don't respect you enough to be offended by what you say..." -Maybe I should have held that back?  
After 2+ hours of talking I asked if I could pray for us and he said, "If it would make you feel better." I thought that was funny. 

I wanted to get him a Korean-English Bible but when I was shopping I didn't like any of the options I found. His English is really 'big' so I got him a Study Bible in English (I liked it so much I got myself one too). I think he would like it. He has an analytical mind and is 'left-brained'. When I asked him to tell me what he thought about Christianity his answer was systematic and academic. I want so badly for the scales to fall from his eyes so he can see the sin in his life that is enslaving his life. I highlighted and marked the order of the "Roman Road".
I highlighted some of my favorite verses. I wrote him a letter that said if he didn't read anything, to just read John. I pray that if he reads John just once the power of the Word will soften his hardened heart. I did not show him the Gospel well. I did not explain to him the Gospel well. But the Word is powerful! I pray that that Book is sitting in his room calling him, pulling his attention and thoughts to opening God's Word. 

The Wednesday I left ATA for Thailand I only said bye to one student (not 
Byeontae). Saying bye to that one kid was too emotional so I just left. I felt like a huge coward.
Kyuho was the only student I got to say a proper goodbye to. 
Correction, I was a huge coward. I wrote most of the kids an individual goodbye note and left the letters, along with 
Byeontae's Bible, to give to them after I left. 
[Of all the kids I wrote a letter to, only two kids responded saying thank you. Most hurtful was neither of those two were my mentees. I didn't write the letters so that they would email me but I just think it is surprising and rude. Especially Byeontae though. I mean I wrote him a thoughtful and personal letter and I gave him a gift... also, when he went out of the country a few weeks ago I made him a package of goodies and he is such a prick that he can't say thank you or even acknowledge that something was given to him. His response (or lack of one) proves how self-entitled and self-absorbed he is. I know I sound like a girl but thankfully, when I gave each of those gifts (the travel gifts, the letter, and Bible) my motivation was to minister to him. Trying to reach out in love not friendship. And a gift should not come with any expectation of reciprocation. But still... my mom gave me a freaking Rubics Cube one time for Christmas and I still thanked her. I make fun of her to this day for it but I thanked her.]  

I thought of Byeontae often while in Thailand. I talked about him (and my other kids) so often I annoyed some of the people in my group. My heart breaks for him. If nothing, I hope he knows that I truly love him. I know I have been rude to him at times but I believe I was always honest with him. The founder of the organization we worked with in Thailand said we are called to "preach the good news" not convert (Luke 4:18-19). So even if I feel as though I 'failed' Byeontae, I trust that God will continue to call him to himself. If I never see or talk with Byeontae again, I hope to see him in heaven. I selfishly want to experience a mutual, brotherly relationship with him but if that is not in the cards, "The Lord's will be done." He is always right and always perfect. 

[Today after our 10 minute lunch. The experience was not pleasant.] 

First, he gave me terrible directions that read: "Go out at exit number 2 and walk straight down."
Normally that means the place is within a block, maybe two, of the station. I walked for a couple of blocks and called him. He said it was about 10 minutes from the subway station so I kept going... until the street ended. 
My initial thought was, This kid is standing me up leading me on a wild-goose chase. It turns out the place was around the corner, behind a building, in some alley. We sat down for 'lunch' at 1:20 when he informed me he had to leave at 1:30. Followed by [not a direct quotation]:
"I wanted to meet with you to say at the beginning I really liked you but after a month and the words you said, I started to hate you. And that I do not want to meet you any more." 

I asked him what words I said that hurt him. His answer was me classifying him as a child molester. 
That I did. And I do not regret it. I believe him to truly be a child molester. 
He said I was the only one that called he that when other people did not seem to care that he (an 18 year old man) was manipulating a 13 year old in a romantic and physical relationship. I adamantly assured him that I was not the only one calling him a child molester but I was the only one who cared enough for him to tell him to his face what others were murmuring being his back. And when I called him a child molester, I did not say it publicly in an aggressive or demeaning way. I remember I said to him in private (in a relative whisper to soften the blow), "I think you are a child molester."
My motivation was to 'strike' him with the the truth. And if it hurt him... that should be expected. 

I understand being called a molester is not on most people's 'Bucket List'. Unchanging I reminded him it was the truth and I didn't regret it. I made a parallel saying, "If I rapped somebody and people started calling me a rapist, I had no right to be offended. It would be the truth."
If somebody called me a child molester I would just say, "Ok?" Because I have never molested a child so there is no power in that accusation.  
He then pathetically spiralled into justifications for his perversion. Listing a list of people that said it was okay for him to take advantage of the minor girl. I was disheartened to hear his family on his list of supporters of him dating the child (which contradicts what was said earlier this semester in a conversation with the students involved, their respective parents, and the school admin.).
I don't know what they believe but parents often overlook the sin and failings of their children. And in Korea I'm learning parents will lie outright to 'save face'.  “Open rebuke is better than love carefully concealed.” -Proverbs 27:5

Truthfully I always had a voice in my head questioning, "You are just overreacting." "He just made a mistake." "He is too young to be a molester."
But his actions again today just reiterated the truth:
If you are an adult taking advantage of a 13 year old child, you are a child molester. 
If you lie, over and over, about being in a relationship with a child, you know you are doing wrong. 
If you continue to 'date' a child in secret after telling others you had broken up, you are a dangerous predator. 
Don't perpetrators always justify their 'love' for children. While he was chasing after his excuses today, a queazy feeling bellowed in my stomach. It revealed to me that no matter how much I wish he weren't a predator, he does and says everything a predator does and says. 

When I was in Thailand I was told that Korean men were the number one consumers in the sex tourist industry in most Southeast Asian nations. And I immediately thought of Byeontae. It's a real likelihood that this student that I sincerely love will someday go to Thailand and buy and rape young children. My idea of him now is that he is just a lost, confused little boy but I need to come to terms that he is an adult already guiltlessly abusing children today. 

I am surprised and some-what grateful for our ten minute lunch. He could have just dumped me in an email or on the phone. (Though he didn't have to ruin my Saturday evening by having walk around in the humid Korean summer for 30 minutes looking for him.) When we separated he said, "See you later." I asked if that was a promise. Things are not looking too hopeful now but who knows. I hope to see him again. His mom was waiting for him outside the restaurant like a getaway driver. The meeting was surreal. I told him I wanted to better discuss his thoughts and feelings. I looked back when he was waking away and it was as if he was boldly yet blindly walking down a dark, suffocating tunnel with no end. 
My heart is open but my hands are hiding
afraid I'll feel you dying 
I wish that I could touch your soul but I'm just another man 
There's not much I can do.

I do not regret calling him a child molester nor do I believe I was wrong. His sexual perversions is something he is going to have to address at some point in his life. We all need to be rebuked and it is never easy. I am saddened that when I tried to show him true friendship and accountability he just cut-and-ran. I wish I had more friends in Korea that would call me out and expose my sin.  I am trying to find comfort in the promises of God and he says:
Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you." -Titus 2:15
-I am sad that he now 'hates me'. But I find confidence and peace that his feelings is the result of me doing what is right.  
“Do not correct a scoffer, lest he hate you; Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you.” -Proverbs 9:8
-I want Byeontae to be the second half of this verse. I want him to be wise and to understand my motivation was to protect his victim and him.
“He who disdains instruction despises his own soul, but he who heeds rebuke gets understanding.” Proverbs 17:10
-'His soul' ...That is what concerns me the most. The state of his soul... I feel I have failed him. 
“The rod and rebuke give wisdom, But a child left to himself brings shame to his mother." -Proverbs 29:15
-He is not receiving wisdom. The chains of his enslavement are tightening. And the consequences of his sexual inclinations will surely bring shame to him, his family, and everyone he loves and values.  

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Fool me once...

Recently my mental aguish has gradually been on the rise. My distress sprung from the inflation of four significant personal issues/decisions I was pressed to confront. Every Sunday the prayer team at my church offers prayer for any desperate soul in need. Praying is really personal for me. Some of my most intimate exchanges with friends have been while we prayed together. So I was bit trepidatious to approach the intimidating prayer team stranger but I had reached my max in regards to my strain. I had never gone to the prayer team before but I know there is power in prayer. I had been praying for discernment, and had asked multiple people to pray as well, but I still had no ‘answer’ from God. (Or at least an answer I could comprehend).
One of the weights on my shoulders was a relationship one of my students. A student that I personally cared deeply for had lied to and betrayed me multiple times. He was #3 on my list of loads I needed lifted. I lingered after the service, unsure if I wanted to approach the pray-ers. After seeing the gentle face of the prayer-lady I decided to stay. I introduced myself and she claimed to be named ‘Angel’. I am not entirely confident that was her real name. I think she needs the alias to protect herself from prayer recipients with an inclination of stalking… Which I qualify.
The prayer experience was strange for me. For those of you who don’t know me, I am not a hugger. And Angel intimately prayed for me (if you know what I mean...). I told her my ‘list of four’ and before we started to pray she asked if she could put her hand on my back. That's safe enough, I could do that. Little did I know she would go all Song of Solomon on me. As the prayer progressed, our hands went from holding to fastened to a vice-grip. And she used the ploy of putting her hand on my back as an excuse to pull her entire body towards mine as if she was magnetizing a potential husband. I am saying all of this in jest (and slightly in fear/trauma). In truth I was encouraged by the sincerity and passion of her prayer. But at times she was so inflamed with the Spirit that my hand brushed her ‘nursers’ (as my eloquent father says). I don’t know how she could have NOT noticed. Maybe I am too easily distracted? At the end of the prayer I knew I was in for a hug. I was expecting a cordial, brief side-hug. That is as intimate as most co-ed Christians allow themselves. Not Angel. As I tried to make my escape she full-body, chest-to-chest embraced me for a strong 7-34 minutes. I didn’t know how to respond. The only people I just want to hold for prolonged periods of time with no reason is Miss Berkley and her brother.    

After the prayer I genuinely felt like I forgave my lying student. The resentment and pain that I harbored dissolved away.
Then Monday that same student lied to me again...
I still feel forgiveness for him and brokenness but as my G-Dubya says, 
"Fool me once, shame on... shame on you.
Fool me, you can't get fooled again."

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Search History

This semester I get to teach a writing and reading class to two middle school boys. (There are really three guys in the class but the third student is a hybrid of Disney dwarves Sleepy and Dopey. He either doesn’t show up to class or is sleeping). We’ve been reading To Kill a Mockingbird. [Frustratingly, I chose that book because the narcoleptic student has to read it for his English class so I thought it would be beneficial that he get extra exposure to it. Yet he has no clue what is going on…] I remember struggling through the book myself as a 7th grader in Mrs. Pyka’s class. The book is much funnier and significant for me this second time around. I also admire Atticus much more now then when I was a 13-year-old chillin. It is difficult explaining the cultural context of the story at times. We usually have our computers up if they need to translate a word or ‘image search’ something. Last week I was with my two faithful middle schoolers (the snoozing senior was MIA) and we were at the start of the trial. Scout describes the scene outside the courthouse comparing the congregation of white audience members versus black. Before they enter the courthouse Scout observes the whites massed together picnicking and remarks

“Greasy-faced children popped-the-whip through the crowd, and babies lunched at their mother’s breast.”
It was about break time for me and I was feeling a bit silly so I asked the younger of of the two guys what ‘breast’ meant and he didn’t know. As a hint I asked him again and gently pinched his nipple through his shirt a couple times. He didn’t catch the hint, just giggled. I turned to the other boy and he appeared slightly uncertain he leaned forward to do a Google search. But I embarrassingly rushed to cover his keyboard. Lord knows what he would have turned up.  
Not relevant to my story but one of my favorite quotes from the whole book.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Slapping Five

“I hang out in sports bars a lot. I’m not that into sports. I’m not really
a drinker either. But I love slapping five.”

That is a Demetri Martin joke and polar opposite to how I feel. Sports, sports bars, and slapping five are not ‘my bag…baby.’ However, I am not a drinker so we got that going for us. I just wanted to write about something not so heavy and depressing and I thought my unnatural animosity towards athletic PDA would be a humorous topic.
If you know me, or have seen my frail figure, you will know sports have never been a skill I’ve excelled at. I am too uncoordinated and robotic. I can’t even clap and sing at the same time. I remember when I was in high school I was on the basketball team. I would like to say, ‘I played basketball’ but that would require getting off the bench. My main job was to use my four fouls if the Battlin Billies needed to stall the clock. I was fine with that. The whole dribbling and ball-in-the-basket was difficult for me. Hitting people was a skilled I honed through childhood experiments with my sister…
I remember how foolish and uncomfortable I felt when our team would ‘huddle up’ before we would run onto the court. Luckily my friend Aner was just as embarrassed so we would stand to the side while the rest of the team got riled up. Then there was the unnatural desire that some teammates have to give and receive high fives. I do not know if I have ever instinctively felt the need to high five someone. Sometimes my students instigate the high five and I feel like an awkward hypocrite when I concede to that lone hand in the air.  
But the ‘high five’ is one of many examples of my impaired social skills. This runs through my mind every time I have to make a first impression:

Friday, June 14, 2013

I Want to Remove His Veil

And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. (vs. 3)
My cousin encouraged me to meditate on 2 Corinthians 4 after reading my blog post ‘A Book.’ I have always admired this cousin and she and her husband are undeniable spiritual mentors and examples for my sister and I. My cousin was trying to comfort me in my emotional mêlée since my allowance for my initially intimate relationship with Byeontae to dissolve into disgust. It sincerely was unintentional. He claims to have really put an end to dating his underage girlfriend (an endeavor he reluctantly braved after receiving pressure from the school [teachers-principal-founder], his parents, and her parents… not his conscious. -A reputable step he was forced to take so his sincerity is questionable). If they truly are no longer together, I praise God. But when I see him, I do not see a guy I used to like or even a student. I see deviant predator. I don't like to see him around any of the Middle Schoolers. I do not know the depths of his perversion and he makes me nervous. And I exhaustively pray that I am wrong and that the Lord allow me to see Byeontae with the same loving and wanting eyes that he views him with.
Regretfully, I realize I ‘cut my losses’ in respects to Byeontae. It was the easiest and safest solution. I thought that I could begrudgingly tolerate him the five hours a week we have to share a room. I hate to throw a wrench into any false notion that teachers like all (or even most) of their students. I’ve taught students I was repulsed by, fearful of, driven insane by… but it is my job not to show my (non-encouraging) feelings. And honestly I am not that good at it. My friends used to make fun of me because they claim to be able to discern my true feelings by the expression on my face. I am self-conscious that Byeontae is receptive of my negative feelings towards him. And that is not fair.
This week we made an appointment to study for a challenging test worth 25% of his grade. Byeontae is smart but the test is specifically onerous. (And it is always a good idea to study with someone who has the answers…) He stood me up for our tutoring appointment. Admittedly I was relieved because I was unsure how spending such intimate time together would turn out given my current perception of him.
My cousin invalidated my feelings revealing how they were motivated by my sin. I was applying my expectations and those were out of his spiritual jurisdiction. She said that his sin was not a personal attack on me but a natural expression of his need for our Savior. She wrote:
“He doesn't have the power of the Holy Spirit living inside of him to guide him into all truth… what I DO know is that you have to pray like never before that OUR GOD will remove the veil from his eyes and transfer him from the darkness into the kingdom of His glorious light.  That is his only hope and ours.”
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. (vs. 4)
I am in no position to judge anyone. And though all will be held accountable to God’s judgment, Byeontae is not a believer and desperately needs the Holy Spirit to guide his life today. I’ve been praying that the Lord grant me forgiveness and if not, that he mend our impaired relationship. The motivation is no longer personal or social, rather professionally and spiritual. I mustered all the restraint I could and Friday after school I offered to meet with him at some time in the weekend to study with him if he wanted. He declined. His rejection might have been personally motivated or he might actually be busy. Either way, I feel like I did my best.
An immature and arrogant part of my sinful heart wants him to do poorly on his test to reiterate how much he needs me but that is trash. The more reflective part of me (though often weaker) wants to shine the light of the Gospel to this guy. And God has given me that light. I hope to illuminate Chris’s love and freedom to Byeontae and my other kids.   

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. (vs. 6)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


When I was at Hardin, my Social Studies family always joked that we should document all the inconceivable things that happened to us so we could turn it into a television show. I am not sure if the show would end up being a comedy or tragedy. For the most part, if the life of a teacher were turned into a television series it would be a dramatic-comedy. When I was in high school, I remember watching a show by David E. Kelly called ‘Boston Public’. Essentially it was a four season series that, at-times, accurately (yet dramatically) presents real issues teachers experience and struggle through.
My favorite character was the crotchety, offensive Jew: Harvey Lipchitz. Most David E. Kelly shows had a fundamental sex appeal and Harvey provided much needed eye-candy. I recently rewatched the series and it was an endearing, personal experience. I’ve been teaching for just five years yet I can directly and intimately relate to some of the stories presented in the show.
In one episode one of the newbie teachers wasn’t comfortable with wearing a tie and wanted to dress more casually. I never struggled with this but Harvey, the seasoned statesman, aggressively chastises him informing him that if he wants to be respected he needs to dress professionally. It is true. My slacks and tie are a form of armor that I wear to maintain a balance of power with my students. When I am wearing casual clothes, I feel more vulnerable and exposed.
I finished the final season a couple of weeks ago. One storyline harmoniously coincided with a personal experience I’ve being drudging through. As I’ve mention in previous postings, I’ve struggle in my relationship with and perception of one of my students (‘Byeontae’). In Boston Public, the Physics teacher (Miss Torres) identified with and becames emotionally entangled with one of her sophomore students. In the begging Miss Torres was drawn into the life of her student out of concern of the company the student was keeping and the choices she was making. My relationship with Byeontae was more platonic and (I believed) based on mutual respect and interest. As Boston Public’s fictional relationship progressed, Miss Torres realized how powerless she devotedly was; and despite her genuine concern for the interest of the student, it was no longer healthy to be as emotionally involved as she had become. I too hit that level of despair. In their final dialogue, Miss Torres confesses that she was wrong to have gotten as involved as she had (as I similarly feel now). She tried to justify her involvement but concluded the conversation confessing, 
[The] sermons over. I’m going to let go of you now. And I wish I could say I was doing it for you but I’m not. I’m doing it because I have to. Self-preservation.”
Her tearful pardon was poignant. I too feel like I had to ‘let go’ of any relationship with Byeontae. I thought that I was helping a friend but it was tearing me up.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Middle of East Texas

I realize my mentality has been on the extreme end of the emotional spectrum lately. And thus these blog entries have been a bit heavy. So I want to share a story that made me ‘lol’.
If you’ve had the pleasure of meeting my father this will be a brazilion times funnier. If you haven’t imagine a 2010 Rooster Cogburn when you envision my father. [Truly, when I saw Jeff Bridges in True Grit I felt like he had followed my father around to mirror his mannerism and speech patterns.] 
For the past couple of months my sister has been dating a guy I will call Tamra. I’ve met Tamra a couple of times and I like him. However, I’ve informed my sister if he has any interested of pursuing a deeper relationship with her that it is customary (from my perspective) that Tamra ask for my blessing. I am not exceedingly concerned for the emotional well being of my sister. I need to look after my Miss and her brother. I cannot entrust the care of my favorite niece and her brother to anyone. Miss and Baby have unique emotional needs. I need to be conscious whom my sister exposes them to. –He has yet to ask for my permission to pursue any relationship with my sister so I am under the assumption they are simple acquaintances. 
Tamra is not white, black, or Asian thus in my dad’s mind, he is Mexican. When I was home this past February my dad asked me if I knew anything about Jessi’s “new Mexican friend.” Since Tamra is Egyptian and not Mexican, I justified withholding the truth by saying, I don’t know of any of Jessi’s Mexican friends.
[I like Tamra (besides the fact he hasn’t sought my approval to pursue my sister (if that is what he is doing?)) and I don’t care if he is red, yellow, black, or white.  Actually I would prefer Korean but my influence only goes so far with my stubborn sister… Honestly, I was more disappointed that Tamra is a Yankee than his ethnic background.]
My aunt told me that my dad was asking her and her husband about Jessi’s “new Mexican friend” and my uncle corrected him. My uncle told him that he wasn’t Mexican but Middle Eastern. Abashed, my slow-speaking, good-ole-boy father responds with, “I hope you mean the Middle of East Texas!”
Unintentionally, my father can be really funny. 

-Also, when I was in university I had to do a genealogy report and so I asked my dad where we were from and he proudly said, "The G-town!" (Garrison, Texas -point A on the map). I was expecting more a more ancestral answer.  I still don't know which European country we're descended from. For some reason my dad seemed uncomfortable answering these questions. As if he were trying to protect our proud family line. The furthest back my dad would admit to was, "I think some of us are from Chireno." (which my dad pronounces, 'sha-reen-ner.' -point B on the map. An exhausting 26 miles away.)
We are a proud people!

A Book

[I suggest you read 'Closing a Chapter or Book?' before reading this post]

The Lord is provisional. As I mentioned in other blog postings, I’ve been terribly troubled the past couple of weeks. Amid multiple factors (stress at work, isolation, concern for/of perverted students…) I found myself in prayer often. And I can see how the Lord has delivered me from the state I was in six weeks ago.

The majority of my emotional bipolar responses were because of one student: Byeontae. In the past, I was torn because I felt we were ‘friends’. Then as weeks went on I struggled because the Byeontae I knew and the true Byeontae were no longer the same person. I was torn. I wanted to maintain a close relationship with him but it was becoming impossible.

This past weekend I wrote a letter. It was to him but I have no intention of giving it to him. I just wrote it because I was stressed and anxious and felt I needed to release my fears. I’m sharing a modified version of the letter as praise to God. I truly see the past six weeks as an act of deliverance. God has faithfully delivered me from a dangerous and unhealthy relationship. (That I know was inappropriate from the beginning).

            I’m writing this knowing that I will not give it to you. I just want a way to express myself and I no longer feel it is appropriate to talk personally with you anymore. That truth is sad for me but I am glad to have learned it. I know it was unintentional but you have caused me a lot of pain and anguish these past couple of weeks. I feel like I am a wiser person for it though and that is rewarding. The biggest professional lesson I have learned is that I CANNOT get too close to my students. I am glad the Lord has shown me my mistake but I am now confused how I can approach relationships with my students in the future. It is my purpose in life (right now) to love and serve my students. To give my ‘life’ to them and love them like Jesus loves them. I do not do that well but that is my purpose. I made the mistake of becoming attached to you. I know in the future I need to be more guarded with my kids. That is good. I just hope it doesn’t make them feel as if I am disinterested in their lives. Finding a balance will be difficult. But I need to keep my distance. I now see that my feelings and actions towards you were not beneficial for either of us. 
            You, your parents, the child, and her parents are having a meeting today at school. I am curious what will happen. I wish I were a fly on the wall (with a Korean fly next to me to translate for me). I don’t want to ask you what happened because I think your perspective is a bit skewed. And I’m sure the school will not tell us what happened so I am left to wonder. I still really want to know. Miss Craft told me I should ‘cut my losses’ and disconnect completely from you. But I still don’t want to, even after all the deception. If you and the child are still together after today I will have to completely detach myself from all you are. 
            My job is such a huge part of my life. I believe how I do my job and the type of job I have reflects the type of person I am. If I were to ‘cut you out’ it would mean that I am not strong and a quitter. It is hard to quit on someone who, I see, needs a lot of help. I thought I was helping you by being honest and clear with you but, reflectively, I see I was just ‘pissing into the wind’ (as my dad says). I know it is self-righteous to have hoped that my advice would have made an effect on you. I feel so foolish. But that is okay. I now see that my perspective of you, and us, was off.  
I am ambivalent because part of me truly admires that you did what you wanted no matter what EVERYBODY (with a moral compass) told you. I only wish you would have stood apart on a different issue. Like everybody was telling you to study medicine but you wanted to follow your heart and study rhythmic dance. I wish you hadn’t drawn your line in the sand on an issue other than dating children. 
Oh… it still just makes me sick. Personally I am conservative but my Ron Paul has introduced the Libertarian perspective. I sincerely believe that everybody has the God-given freedom to do whatever they want as long as it doesn’t bring harm to others. And you do not see this but what you are doing is bring harm to your underage girlfriend. This is where I wish I had been… more significant to you. I wish you would have believed me even if you didn't understand what I was telling you. I try to sympathize with your situation and I think that if I had been in your position, 18 year old me wouldn’t have listened to anyone else either. [Again, It is impossible to put myself in your specific situation because I would have NEVER thought of dating a 7th grader.] Truthfully, I know I wouldn’t have believed or trusted most adults. I did not have someone who loved me enough, or that I trusted enough, to advise me the way I tried to counsel you. But I wish I had...

            My biggest fear is that y’all’s parents, for some perverse reason, agree to let y’all date. If that happens, my entire feelings towards Koreans will change. I already am astounded that you haven’t been teased or ostracized by the other students. The fact that they are not disgusted appalls me. If I were your child-girlfriend’s father, I would immediately come to this school, beat you up, then withdraw my little girl from this school and dangerous situation. And if I were your father, I would immediately come to school and beat the hell out of you. I wish I had met your parents before all of this. Do you fear or realize that your actions directly reflect on them? When I was in High School, I wanted to do a lot of bad things but a pertinent motivation for me to stay straight was that I didn’t want to hurt or embarrass my parents. I had a good reputation with my teachers because both of my parents were their co-workers. I had to be respectable or they would think less of my mom and dad. I haven’t met many students’ parents but honestly, it is hard to think highly of some of them because of the character of their children… I remember when I was moving into my new classroom at my first teaching job. One of the parents came up to me, gave me her information, and encouraged me to call her if I ever needed anything. She actually said, “If Carson ever gives you any problems, beat his ass.” –Honestly, I was terrified but Carson ended up being one of my favorite kids I’ve ever taught. He wasn’t a great student but he was a good guy. It is a parent’s job to instruct their kids on how to behave and the proper things to value. And your behavior (in dating a child, perpetually bold-face lying, intentionally being deceitful, etc…) reflects poorly.

            I now realize that even if you were to break up with your under-aged girlfriend, end this cruel game of playing with her, stop manipulating her, and even ask for forgiveness… I don’t think I can ever respect you. At first I thought it was because I still felt personally insulted by your deception. I can’t see you as anything other than a man who justifies dating a child even after multiple people advised you against it.

            I remember my mom joking with me when I was a senior in High School that she found one of her Middle School students to arrange a marriage with me. My mom’s intent was just to say that she really liked this little 8th grader but I remember being extremely embarrassed. I had known the girl but always thought of her as a "little Middle Schooler.” I fear you are really sick. I no longer think you just made a careless mistake. I fear for the other students because of you. You are a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You put on a safe, inviting front but it is just a façade. The real you is disgusting and shocking…

            For the past couple of weeks I’ve had a prayer list where I pray for certain students and teachers each day. You are on my Wednesday list. Three weeks ago I was praying that:
1. The Lord reveals his love and Salvation to you. And that you have a personal, powerful relationship with Christ.
2. That I love you well and that we grow closer together.
3. That you find your purpose in life and confidently pursue that purpose.  

But the past two weeks I’ve just prayed that the Lord reveal his plan of Salvation to you, that you not be a child molester, and that I not hate you. (I don’t hate you. I just don’t understand you. And I do hate the threat you are to others.)

            Oh Byeontae. The Lord has revealed so much to me in the past couple of weeks through you. For that I am grateful. I just wish things had been different. I’ve been to the Han a couple of times
and each time I am reminded that I’ve lost a (potential) brother. But that is fine. And honestly, I don't know if that is true anymore. Things haven’t worked out as I would have planned but, they are what they are. 

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”          -Romans 8:28

            I love God. I know he loves me. so I’ve just got to trust him and his purpose. He loves you too, more than I can explain. I am sincerely sorry I couldn’t show you better.
In .love.

I still do not know his relationship status with the child. He had told me multiple times they are not together and each time, that was a lie. So I wouldn’t believe what he tells me now anyway. I also doubt all the conversations we had. I’ve devalued the intimacy I felt we shared because it wasn’t real. What he said, what we talked about… must have all been lies. 

I see God’s deliverance in the revelation of the reality of my situation. No matter what I thought Byeontae was or could be… it doesn’t matter. He is a liar. And I can’t be friends or have any semblance of a healthy relationship with someone who is relentlessly dishonest with me. Also, he unabashedly breaks school rules. And the nail in the coffin is: he is a pervert.
Now that I see who he really is, I don't want anything to do with that kind of person (which is hard to admit). 
I remember when we were at the Han I told him I thought he was ‘strong’ because he appeared to be an individual and boldly stood alone. I now see that he ‘stands alone’ because he doesn’t seem to have any real friends. Sadly, I think he will be flying solo for a long time (unless he manipulates another child into a relationship with him). He cannot be a friend to anyone or be anyone’s friend if he is not honest. 

Closing this ‘book’ in my life was made easier because the ‘friend’ I thought I would find in him, is not the type of person he genuinely is.  

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Closing a Chapter or Book?

The past three weeks brought me through an emotional journey and exposed my biggest professional mistake I’ve made. I’ve felt humiliation, rejection, and disappointment but thankfully, I am confidently resting in joy. The joy that God graciously protects me especially in my weakness.
I don’t want to ‘spare the long story’ because these feelings and experiences are some that I should not forget.
In March my school (broke my contract and) forced me to move onto our campus. Already, I live in BFE and my job consumes the majority of my week. Therefore I was not looking forward to physically living thirty yards from my classroom. I have no separation in my life. Personal and professional areas have blended together to where I’ve lost any hint of an independent life. Retrospectively, I see that my job’s emotional and time consumption skewed my personal judgment. The environment is unarguably unhealthy. 
Usually I jet out off campus as soon as I possibly can on Fridays after lunch but five weeks ago I was here on a Friday night. Coincidentally, so was one of my students (I will call him Byeontae). I wanted to get to know him better so I asked him to town. The majority of the out-of-class time I spend personally with my students still feels like I am working. I was nervous about inviting Byeontae to dinner. I had only talked with him once before and I just wanted to be kind. The evening out with him was far easier then I was expecting. I am a terrible socializer. I constantly feel like I’m drowning in failed attempts to make conversation. But talking with Byeontae, it was effortless and natural. So much so that I asked to meet him the following weekend.
The Han River is my favorite place in all of Seoul and the cherry blossoms were supposed to have bloomed. Byeontae and I made plans to go walking and to play badminton. We didn’t end up going to the cheery blossoms or playing badminton, we just walked along the Han for hours. I calculated we walked around ten miles. During our time, I felt like I was talking to one of my old ‘brothers’ back in Texas. I started to perceive him not as my student but rather as a friend. I know that failure was solely my mistake. And that is the professional misadventure I’ve painfully learned.
I remember when we were about to separate I told him I was struggling with how I classify our interactions. I hadn’t treated him as a student and honestly, and I didn’t want to. I thought that I had met someone (unfortunately ten years younger than me) and could build a relationship similar the ones I miss back home. A relationship I am lacking here.
Strangely though, while we were at the Han one of my Middle School girls was continually texting him. I teased him a little but shortly after, promised to stop because ‘I know nothing is going on…’
Well, I was wrong. It turns out that they were dating. In my mind, I cannot honestly fathom that. How could this guy that I liked so much, that I found so interesting and challenging, that I respected and thought highly of… How could this 18 year old man pursue a relationship with a 13 year old girl?!!? I asked him the same thing and he assured me they were ‘just close friends’. To that I asked, “Why?!” How can an 18 year old man be close friends with a Middle School girl?!
Though his actions scream something contrary, I believed him. It is a little pathetic, but this girl has had a little crush on 80% of the boys in our school. However, all the older guys in the past have naturally said you’re too young in response to her advances.
And that's what I thought it was. I thought the girl was pursuing Byeontae and he was just too kindhearted to tell her to buzz off. Again, I was wrong. He and I were still periodically socializing while they were dating but I just thought she was a crush that he couldn’t shake. I now see that my affection for him blinded me to his true character and the reality of the situation. 
In the following weeks they continued dating yet I was (weekly) telling him he was wrong. And he habitually lied to me reassuring me that "they were not dating" or "were no longer dating". I don’t blame the girl for liking him at all. I, 100% and full heartedly, put the blame on him: the man, the adult. I am satisfied that I did everything I could to clearly communicate to him that what he was doing was morally wrong, manipulative, dishonorable, and perverted. Clearly, he did not care. My biggest regret is that I didn’t officially bring my fears to the administration. I sincerely feel the girl is at risk and I view Byeontae as a real, dangerous predator taking advantage of her. I feel powerless to do anything.
I see now that the reason I didn’t tell the administration earlier was because I was trying to protect him and our ‘friendship’. I’ve since learned that it wasn’t only me encouraging them to stop. The administration had known about it longer than I and had known more about it then I had. 
I asked him one time what his parents must think of him dating a 13 year old child. He said they wouldn’t care as long as he was respectful. I think the fact that he is cruely taking advantage of her lacks real respect. I see now that he was just lying to me (again). If I had an 18 year old son dating a child, I would beat the hell out him. And if my 7th grade daughter was dating an 18 year old man, I would take her out of the school.
I am also confused with why the others students don't harass him about it? Sadly, I think they don't care about him or her. I'm pretty sure I would have been making fun of any senior in the class of 2004 if they were dating a 7th grader!
Byeontae is new to our school and this situation makes me wonder why he left his former, more reputable school. I asked him twice before why he transferred midway through his senior year and he was slightly evasive. The answer he gave me seemed strange so I wonder if he is hiding something. Maybe he got in trouble for molesting a younger student at his old school?
I don't know what to think anymore. 
In the past three weeks my relationship with Byeontae has completely deteriorated. I battle to even look at him without feeling squeeze. When I see him and the child together, heat radiates in my chest and I clench my fist… and I just want to punch him in the face. But I can’t do that.
I can’t even look at him… I don't know if I’ve ever knowingly seen such a dangerous situation and felt so incapable of fixing it.

The most confusing truth is that I still really like him. I am conflicted because when I think of him, I see a perverted liar that pretends to be a respectable person. Yet selfishly, I’m torn because I still want to spend time with him and I deeply value the time we spent together. But I can’t get past the fact that he thinks it is justifiable to date little girls. Even if they break up (which I have been praying everyday, multiple times a day, that they do), I cannot vindicate him claiming it was an innocent mistake. He made an intentional decision that he still defends.
Three weeks ago I was assigned to work one-on-one with him for a specific department within the school. When we went to vote for my new student-leader, everybody voted for him except me (and one other). I withheld because I had already started to feel repulsed by him. I tried my best to work with him because I think as a teacher; you never want to ‘give up’ on a kid. In Texas I know I taught criminals, mental cases, perverts, losers, druggies, drug dealers, etc. but I thought that it was my job to love and serve them despite what they’ve done. But I felt like working for him was the same as condoning his perverse behavior.
I liken it to my presidential votes. I’ve been able to vote in three presidential elections and with each ballot I cast, I am extremely proud of how I voted. Even though 66% of them lost, I wouldn’t have changed which circle I bubbled (or what name I wrote in). But I am embarrassed and ashamed to be associated with him. Earlier this week I resigned from my position. I think he knew it was coming because I had told him when I was first assigned to him that I didn’t vote for him and felt uncomfortable being around him. Before I quit, I met with him hoping to explain my position. The explanation turned into a two-hour conversation. I feel justified in how I’ve treated him. I was as honest and faithful as I know how to be.
As a teacher, I failed him because I put unfair expectations on him.
As a ‘friend’, I treated him better than he treated me. (And that is expected because: 1. It was inappropriate to consider him a ‘friend’. 2. He obviously isn’t the type of person worth my trust and respect.)
As a person, I just want to kick him in the testicles until he doesn’t have a predilection for anyone ever again.
As a Christian I don't know how to treat him. I pray that I treat him with respect and that I love and try to ‘forgive’ him (but I don’t know what I need to forgive him of? Selfishly I feel betrayed. But I it is wrong of me to feel that. How do I forgive him of taking advantage of a child? That isn’t my role? And he is still taking advantage of her?). I do pray that he and I have a healthy relationship no matter what the context.
-One of my friends I confessed this whole situation to humbly delivered a blow to the scrotum by this rebuke: “Just as inappropriate it is for him to date the child, it is equally as inappropriate that you’ve befriended a student.”
I tried to defend myself but that truth has freed myself of some of the desire to maintain a friendship with Byeontae.
The most confusing part is that if this whole situation hadn’t happened I truly feel like I would have found a ‘brother’ to 'do life with'. It is hard to explain but I related and conversed with him comparably as I do with my ‘best bffs’. I know that is why I feel so hurt by the whole situation.
The Lord is faithful. I am humiliated by my professional misstep but I'm grateful for the correction. I do feel the Lord is changing my heart towards him. I think I will forgive his betrayal in time (if there is a future to our friendship). But I don't know how to approach his... inclination. How do I compartmentalize that?